Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Now it's reported Linda Evangelista won't get her son out of bed for less than $46,000...

Linda Evangelista is allegedly seeking around £28,250 each month by way of child support from the father of her four year old son. It is reported this includes money for a chauffeur, security and nanny.
The claims have sparked media outrage, not least because Evangelista herself is believed to be worth around £5 million. 
Family law solicitors will advise, however, that such awards can be made as part of divorce settlements in England and between unmarried parents who separate in this country.
Child support in a divorce settlement or paid on separation reflects the wealth of the parties. Helpful if the father, as in Evanglista's case, is allegedly one of the richest men in France.
The family law courts can, if funds permit, include a carer's allowance to cover such costs as a nanny, cleaner or car.
Hopefully Francois-Henri Pinault has a good family law solicitor as these claims can indeed be substantial.
Read more advice on divorce and family law in our family law blog or follow us on Twitter @Divorce_experts.

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